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About the Dating Antique Photographs Project

Brandon Taylorian

Associate Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire

Brandon Taylorian is Project Lead for the Dating Antique Photographs Project. The Dating Antique Photographs Project emerged out of family history research conducted by Brandon Taylorian since 2019. Brandon had been given a large collection of old photographs by his relatives with the task of trying to date them and identify all the faces that can be seen in them. Brandon then wrote an article for the journal The Local Historian titled ‘Family Portraits in Victorian Lancashire’ and became fascinated with antique photographs with the aim of becoming a collector and specialist in photographs taken in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. With the opportunity for funding by the Institute of Creativity, Communities and Culture (ICCC) at UCLan coming about in Spring 2024, Brandon wished to share the knowledge he had developed about antique photographs with others, especially his method for dating old photographs and so The Dating Antique Photographs Project was born.

© 2024 by Brandon Taylorian. Funded by the Institute of Creativity, Communities and Culture.

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